Exercise to boost the brain

Both aerobic exercise and resistance training help prevent cognitive decline, which refers to issues related to a “person’s thinking, memory, concentration, and other brain functions beyond what is typically expected due to aging.”  That’s according to researchers who reviewed studies on exercise and cognition to learn which methods offer the greatest benefit. “Aerobic exercise was […]

therapy dog and medical center staff countering cancer

More and more people are talking about all that dogs are capable of doing. They can be loyal and provide love and and companionship, and many are the sight, hearing, and mobility of individuals, or provide emotional support.  And dogs have even been used to predict earthquakes. One study shows that some dogs can detect […]

live-saving work in Ukraine

The news from the Ukrainian front isn’t good. But many people there are doing great deeds with little or no recognition. These heroes are the doctors, nurses, and volunteers who are providing frontline trauma and medical care to those injured in combat and deployed personnel. Currently in Ukraine, medics put their own lives in danger […]

Mosquito on skin

For the 20% of the population who are more susceptible to being bitten by mosquitoes than the average person, here’s some very good news. A new repellent shows great promise in preventing mosquito bites by up to 80%. It is made from combining a renewable raw material found in cotton and wood, called cellulose nanocrystals […]

“Every single one of us can make a difference.”

Mark Pollock

By now everyone’s heard of Mark Pollock. He is blind and paralyzed but is optimistic about finding a cure for paralysis. Pollock is Chairman of Collaborative Cures, which works to “bring people together to cure paralysis in our lifetime.” The charity gathers scientists, investors, and philanthropists to collaborate on innovative research and make treatments accessible […]

Mina Guli running in Paris

June 5th is Global Running Day. Today, Wonder Woman for Water Mina Guli, CEO of Thirst Foundation, has embarked on yet another journey to highlight the need for healthy, restored rivers worldwide.  Mina is a water advocate, ultra marathon endurance runner and speaker, who believes that “every single one of us can make a difference.” […]

mental health

Mental health is as vital as physical well-being. Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. It is an integral component of health and well-being that underpins our individual and collective abilities […]


What is a saildrone? you might ask. It’s an uncrewed, environmentally friendly, wind- and solar-powered sailing drone capable of 12-month ocean data collection missions. According to one of its makers, “Saildrone’s measurements and observations, from above and below the ocean surface, provide intelligence and insight for challenges from maritime defense and seafloor mapping to earth […]

“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”

Steve Jobs